
Nancy Neamtan awarded the Neil Reimer Prize at the Congress CEP

Montreal, 28 October 2008 - Nancy Neamtan, President and CEO of Chantier de l'économie sociale, today received the Neil Reimer prize at the congress of the Canadian Union of Communications, Energy and Paperworkers (CEP) currently taking place at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. The CEP has given this award in recognition of his contribution to public good during his entire career.

Housing For All: The Social Economy and Homelessness in Victoria - Occasional Paper Series 06 - October 2008

Housing For All: The Social Economy and Homelessness in Victoria By Benjamin Isitt Solutions to homelessness in British Columbia’s Capital Region already exist – in innovative and diverse social economy organizations that today house more than 7,000 Greater Victoria residents. This study illuminates the emergence of the region’s homelessness crisis through personal stories, statistical data, and a broad interdisciplinary literature.

Is it the End of Utopia? The Israeli Kibbutz after one hundred years of existence

September 18, 2008 - The first guest in the 2008 BCICS and CSEHub Fall Speakers Series: Co-operation and Sustainability was Uriel Leviatan, of the Dept of Sociology and Anthropology and the Institute for Kibbutz Research at the University of Haifa in Israel. Prof.

September 16, 2008 - News

Good news for Harrop Proctor Co-op
The Harrop Proctor Community Co-operative will be celebrating on Friday, when they hold the formal signing of a 25 year replaceable Community Forest Agreement. Chair of HPCC Dave Johnson says people in the area have been waiting for this news since the mid nineties, and now they have reached their goal they're hoping for local support.

September 5, 2008 - News

The trials and tribulations of home grown vegetables
Inside Iqaluit's Piruqsiavut greenhouse, the zucchini, beets and lettuce sprung up nearly as fast this summer as the new RCMP building under construction next door. Tomato plants, loaded with ripening red fruit, hang from the 17-foot-high ceiling of the greenhouse, while scarlet runner beans snake along the translucent plastic walls on strings. Successfully growing vegetables in a greenhouse can be hard.

September 1, 2008 - News

Churches tackle climate
Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus and author Peter Matthiessen are among those who have said they will attend an interfaith climate summit being organized by the (Lutheran) Church of Sweden here in November. The gathering is to take place immediately before a United Nations climate change conference in Poland and aims to deliver a strong ethical and religious message to the political leaders at the UN meeting.