
February 2009 ECO-SOC INFO

The February ECO-SOC INFO bulletin of The Canada Research Chair on Social Economy is now available on its website!

To read it, click here!

CEDworks! Vol 7, No 1

Making Waves Magazine
The next edition of Making Waves has much to say about leadership in community economic development and social economy.

The Demonstrating Value Initiative
Imagine a performance assessment tool that is practical, affordable, accurate, and applicable across the sectors, structures, and strategies which social enterprise calls home! That's what the Demonstrating Value Initiative is after. Read about it now.

Little Place, Big Story

February 3, 2009 - News

Make housing the priority for 'shovel-ready' federal dollars
For the first time in a generation, the federal government is poised to become a major partner in social housing development in Canada. This creates real opportunities for housing advocates and providers who, after decades as lone voices in the political wilderness, have ready-made solutions for ending homelessness.

January 2009 ECO-SOC INFO

The January ECO-SOC INFO bulletin of The Canada Research Chair on Social Economy is now available on its website!

To read it, click here!

Social Economy Fact Sheets

In order to provide an easy reference for the participants in the Government Dialogue on the Social Economy, the Canadian Social Economy Hub worked with the research centres across Canada to produce a set of Fact Sheets on the Social Economy research projects that were identified as being of greatest interest to policy-makers.

Getting the Message Out: Successful Models for Co-operative Enterprise Development

This lecture is part of a SSHRC research project Regional Co-op Council grant # 603 2007-0008 led by Dr. Ana Maria Peredo and organized by BCICS and the Faculty of Business at UVic

January 8, 2009 - What resources are needed to support the growth of co-operative enterprises? How do you create synergy and cohesion among local co-ops?

Assessment of Social Economy Content in Prescribed Learning Outcomes of British Columbia Curriculum

A summary of a paper by Sarah Cormode, Annie McKitrick and Janel Smith

The purpose of the study is to develop a national research framework from which to gain a better understanding of the extent to which senior secondary students (grades 10-12) across Canada are exposed to aspects of the Social Economy in schools.