
Enquête auprès d’entrepreneurs sociaux - Cahier Occasionnels 02 - Juin 2008

Becoming a Social Entrepreneur in Canada Enquête auprès d’entrepreneurs sociaux Par Jean-Marc Fontan Julie Allard, Anaïs Bertrand-Dansereau et Julien Demers

Le 3 juin, 2008 - Les médias

La finance sociale mondiale se réunit à Québec Le premier sommet mondial de la finance sociale et solidaire a lieu à Québec cette semaine avec la participation de 160 financiers provenant de 39 pays qui s'entendront pour lancer ce que l'on pourrait appeler le premier réseau financier de gauche au monde à être présent sur tous les continents.

Le 1 juin, 2008 - Les médias

Camp entrepreneurial pour ados Les adolescents âgés de 14 à 16 ans sont souvent en quête de projets spéciaux pour la période estivale. Les Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de l’Île de Montréal mettent sur pied pour la 3e année, un camp entrepreneurial pour les jeunes leaders.

June 1, 2008 - News

Microfinance has macro impact
It's early afternoon in the hazy Mozambican capital of Maputo and the Opportunity International bank should be "aberto" for business. But it's locked tight. The closure goes against the spirit of this Canadian-funded microfinance bank, which provides credit, insurance and services to the poor in a country where 36 per cent of residents live on less than $1 a day. But it's necessary today.

May 29, 2008 - News

The Co-operators reports its 2007 profits are up
The Co-operators Group Ltd. announced a net income of Cdn$154.8 million in 2007, up from Cdn$133.4 million the previous year. "The strong financial performance allowed the organization to make an unprecedented contribution of more than [Cdn]$1 million to The Co-operators Foundation, through which it reinvests in Canadian communities," the company announced in a press release.

News - May 26th, 2008

Homeless farm plan sparks $6-million race
Residents want to buy Woodwynn land in Central Saanich to halt proposed therapeutic institution
A controversial proposal to house homeless people on Woodwynn Farm in Central Saanich has ignited a race to raise $6 million to buy the historic property.

Le 21 mai, 2008 - Les médias

CLD du Bas-Saint-Laurent : plus de 12 000 emplois ont été créés ou consolidés en 10 ans Les huit centres locaux de développement du Bas-Saint-Laurent (CLD) ont contribué à créer et à consolider 12 500 emplois depuis leur fondation il y a 10 ans.

May 20, 2008 - News

Engaging youth to buy, eat locally
A forum aimed at engaging youth in developing sustainable food projects will take place on May 21 at the downtown Market Square. From 4 to 6 p.m., Foodshed Project will host the Youth Forum on Sustainability and is encouraging people to attend to voice their ideas and solutions on food system issues and how to get youth involved.

May 16, 2008 - News

Regina's Core of the future: Action plan looks at ways to enhance Regina's inner city
The proposed future of Regina's Core neighbourhood is mapped out in a recently released document. The Core Neighbourhood Sustainability Action Plan is a 93-page document that breaks down the positive and negative aspects of the community and presents strategies for remedying problems and building on strengths.