
June 16, 2008 - News

New Co-op slated for Hall Beach
This summer's sealift won't just bring Hall Beach residents the usual vehicles, appliances and cans of Coke. It will also bring something a little out of the ordinary - a brand new multimillion dollar Co-op store - or at least, the materials for one. Construction of the new 6,000-square-foot store, which will also have an attached 3,000-square-foot heated warehouse and office space, will cost $2 million to $3 million.

June 15, 2008 - News

Microfinance, Macroimpact
A few weeks ago, I wrote in The Province business section about the Canadian division of a microfinance non-profit called Opportunity International that funds banks for the poor in 28 countries. What I didn't get to write about was other microfinance fundraising initiatives launched right here in B.C. On Vancouver Island, for instance, some small donors to OI Canada are making a big difference.

Le 13 juin, 2008 - Les médias

Le plan Blackburn met en péril l'aide au démarrage d'entreprises De petites entreprises comme La Boîte à Pain ou la brasserie artisanale La Barberie n’auraient jamais vu le jour sans l’aide au démarrage accordée par le Fonds d’emprunt économique communautaire de Québec, une entreprise d’économie sociale qui, à compter du 1er avril 2009, ne recevra plus une cenne noire du gouvernement fédéral.

June 12, 2008 - News

Why some people care, and why some people don't
I have a great deal to write about lately. So much so, that at times, my fingers cannot go fast enough for me to keep up and my mind is spinning in all directions. Imagine my delight, when, on a recent trip to Saskatoon, my book companion was none other than that old sage herself, Shirley Maclaine. Her latest book, Sage-ing While Age-ing, turned out to be just what I needed to calm my mind.

Le 11 juin, 2008 - Les médias

Une expertise coopérative en développement des énergies renouvelables La Coopérative de développement régional (CDR) Bas-Saint-Laurent/Côte-Nord, la Fédération des CDR du Québec et le Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité (CQCM) ont procédé, aujourd'hui en présence des membres de la CDR et de ses partenaires, au lancement de quatre guides d'accompagnement à la création d

CSERP at the 2008 Social Sciences and Humanities Congress

Many members and associates of the Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships attended the conferences at the 2008 Social Sciences and Humanities Congress, which took place at the University of British Columbia from May 31 to June 8, 2008.

June 9, 2008 - News

A summer spent cycling for (micro)credit: Three UBC Students head to Mexico to raise awareness and funds for a local microcredit fund
Think you’re having an interesting summer? Last Saturday, three UBC students got on their bikes and began a seven week cycling journey that will take them from Vancouver to Tijuana, Mexico, all to raise funds and awareness for microcredit.

June 6, 2008 - News

Unleash the potential of the world's poor farmers
As world leaders grapple with the burgeoning food crisis, we would do well to heed the starkly contrasting stories of two goatherds. First, Alimatou Mahama, whom I met in a small village in northern Ghana. Alimatou had been granted access to microcredit, training and veterinary services through an aid project to improve the productivity of her herd. Her income increased and she was able to provide more food for her family.

Le 5 juin, 2008 - Les médias

Repenser l'économie pour l'homme «L'économie est faite pour les gens. À ce titre, elle a une obligation de résultat.