
Careers in the Social Economy

The Social Economy Centre at OISE/University of Toronto has created an informative 2-page document about jobs in the Social Economy. Check it out here!

December 22, 2009 – Look What David Won

SooNews Wire for
Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 1:51PM

David Thompson, a graduate of the Community Economic and Social Development program at Algoma University, has won a research scholarship from Canadian Social Economy Research Partnerships (CSERP). This scholarship program is intended to promote original research by "emerging leaders" in the Social Economy.

December 18, 2009- UN proclaims 2012 the International year of Co-operatives

Ottawa, December 18, 2009 - Canada's co-operative sector is celebrating today's decision by the United Nations General Assembly to proclaim 2012 the International Year of Co-operatives.
The proclamation of the International Year was included in a resolution entitled "Co-operatives in Social Development", which was adopted by the General Assembly at today's session in New York. The full text of the resolution can be downloaded from

Call for papers: International Conference of Management

International Conference of Management: Governance, Management and Firm Performance in Social and Solidarity Economy. What specificities ?

Thursday 4th of November and Friday 5th of November 2010.

The ambition of the conference is to federate the works of scholars in management who are interested in social and solidarity economy and to share knowledge with professionals of the sector.

Le 8 décembre, 2009 – Pauvreté, logement, itinérance : les trois fronts de la lutte contre l’exclusion

Ottawa (8 décembre 2009) – Un important rapport sénatorial déposé aujourd'hui affirme que le système canadien pour arracher les gens à la pauvreté et en panne et doit être repensé.

Telelearning Session 17: Municipal Government Supports for the Social Economy


For the podcast of the complete session, please click here. (Mp3 file, 29.4 MB, 1 hour, 4 mins)

Friday, January 15th 2010, 9:00 am Pacific Time (12:00 pm Eastern time)

  1. What role does the municipal government play in the social economy sector?
  2. What are the best practices in municipal support of the social economy sector?

Poverty Reduction Thematic Newsletter

The CSEHub has produced a new thematic newsletter on poverty reduction. Please click here to read about Canadian initiatives, projects and resources.

La chercheure du mois, septembre 2009 – Lucie Dumais

Lucie Dumais est Codirectrice du Laboratoire de recherche sur les pratiques et les politiques sociales (LAREPPS) et équipe Économie sociale, santé et bien-être et Professeure.

Cheminement professionnel :

  • Chercheuse en santé au travail et condition des femmes, CINBIOSE de l’UQÀM, 1990-1995
  • Professeure, dép. sociologie, Université d’Ottawa, 1995-1998;