Characteristics of Engaged Institutions and Sustainable Partnerships, and Effective Strategies for Change

TitreCharacteristics of Engaged Institutions and Sustainable Partnerships, and Effective Strategies for Change
Type de publicationReport
Nouvelles publications2001
AuteursHolland B
Series TitleOffice of University Partnerships
InstitutionU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

This is a two-page document in which Holland synthesizes much of her previous work into a definition and key characteristics of the ‘engaged institution’ and ‘sustainable partnerships’. Holland defines the ‘engaged institution’ thusly, “the engaged institution is committed to direct interaction with external constituencies and communities through the mutually-beneficial exchange, exploration, and application of knowledge, expertise and information. These interactions enrich and expand the learning and discovery functions of the academic institution while also enhancing community capacity. The work of the engaged campus is responsive to community-identified needs, opportunities, and goals in ways that are appropriate to the campus’ mission and academic strengths. The interaction also builds greater public understanding of the role of the campus as a knowledge asset and resource. (p. 1). Holland identifies several characteristics of ‘sustainable partnerships’ that may be useful for future CSERP purposes. These characteristics include: joint exploration of separate and common goals and interests; creation of a mutually rewarding shared agenda; articulation of clear expectations, capacities, and consequences for each partner; success measured in both institutional and community terms; shared control of partnership directions, and/or resources; focus on strengths and assets of each partner; identification of opportunities for early success and regular celebration; focus on shared (two-way) learning and capacity building; attention to communications and open cultivation of trust; commitment to continuous assessment of the partnership itself, as well as outcomes.