Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate

TitreScholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate
Type de publicationReport
Nouvelles publications1990
AuteursBoyer EL
Series Editorfor the of Teaching CFA
Auteursfor the of Teaching CFA
InstitutionCarnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Clé de citation: New York

This report, prepared for the Carnegie Foundation reframes and expands on the core functions of academia (‘research, teaching and service’) to include the scholarship of discovery, integration, application and teaching. Discovery affirms the important role of university-based research, integration is a call for interdisciplinarity, application is a call for academics to think of themselves as reflexive practitioners, moving between theory and practice, practice and theory. Finally, the scholarship of teaching affirms the important role of teaching in academia. The report also notes that this reconceptualization cannot happen solely on an individual basis, it is a call for a shared visions and a to community of scholars.