Womens nonprofit organizations: Funding, nature, management, dilemmas

TitreWomens nonprofit organizations: Funding, nature, management, dilemmas
Type de publicationThesis
Nouvelles publications1998
AuteursDotan G
AdvisorLevine D
Academic DepartmentTheory and Policy Studies in Education
SupprimerMaster of Arts M.A.
UniversityUniversity of Toronto (Canada)
Clé de citation: Toronto, ON

This thesis reflects an interest in both social services and the feminist movement in Canada. The more specific subject matter is womens nonprofit organizations in Toronto, with a special emphasis on the financial element. Revenue data from twenty-four nonprofit organizations and two (provincial) government agencies have been gathered from financial statements, and grouped into two categories. The income of each organization has been divided into direct government funding, and other sources of revenue. Subsequent chapters deal with the nature of the third sector as a unique economic enterprise, lying between the government and private sectors; management problems in nonprofit organizations; the financial problems particular to nonprofit organizations; and the role of women in the social services. A constant attempt has been made to stress Canadian realities. The thesis maintains a critical standpoint on the feminist movement in context of time and place.

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