Urban social sustainability: Opportunities for Southeast False Creek

TitreUrban social sustainability: Opportunities for Southeast False Creek
Type de publicationThesis
Nouvelles publications1999
AuteursTaschereau DM
AdvisorRoseland M
Academic DepartmentResource and Environmental Management
SupprimerMaster of Natural Resources Management M.R.M.
UniversitySimon Fraser University (Canada)
Clé de citation: Burnaby, BC

This study examines the concept of urban social sustainability and the potential for its application to the proposed development of Southeast False Creek (SEFC) in Vancouver. The research is the result of an internship in Central Area Planning at the City of Vancouver, a literature review, and twelve interviews. The report defines urban social sustainability, identifies existing social policies and initiatives, and highlights potential policies and initiatives to encourage social sustainability at SEFC.Key issues must be addressed for SEFC to be at the forefront of truly innovative sustainable community development. These include the process by which the community is involved in decision making; the time frame under which SEFC is planned and developed; and equity . In addition, several policy areas stand out as priorities for a more socially sustainable community at SEFC; these are: education, public participation, housing and community economic development. Social sustainability and, in particular, the guiding principles for social sustainability, are identified in this report as an important cornerstone of future sustainable urban development planning.

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