Seek ye first the co-operative economic kingdom: The radical social gospellers and the fight for a just society in Canada

TitreSeek ye first the co-operative economic kingdom: The radical social gospellers and the fight for a just society in Canada
Type de publicationThesis
Nouvelles publications2000
AuteursKhalfani AD
AdvisorQuarter J
Academic DepartmentAdult Education, Community Development and Counselling Psychology
SupprimerMaster of Arts M.A.
UniversityUniversity of Toronto (Canada)
Clé de citation: Toronto, ON

This research study the radical social gospel movement and its attempt to inspire and work for the transformation of Canadian society, from one based on social oppression to one centred on brotherhood/sisterhood, justice and equity in economic, social, and political relationships. It explores the argument that the radical social gospel movement in English-speaking, Protestant Canada would have done more to advance its goal of social emancipation, if it had integrated a comprehensive co-operative economic development approach with its electoral political strategy. Furthermore, it is argued that an adult education programme premised on fostering critical consciousness-raising and functional knowledge and skills in economic and social self-management would have had to be an indispensable part of this process. The idea and practice of co-operative economics in Canada, and the social gospel radicals thoughts on and experience with adult education are highlighted to support the thesis of this research.

URLhttp://proquest .umi .com/pqdweb ?did=729109181 sid=1 Fmt=2 clientId=3916 RQT=309 VName=PQD