Renewal in the small non-profit organization

TitreRenewal in the small non-profit organization
Type de publicationThesis
Nouvelles publications1999
AuteursActon LR
AdvisorSamier E
Academic DepartmentLeadership and Training
SupprimerMaster of Arts M.A.
UniversityRoyal Roads University (Canada)
Clé de citation: Victoria, BC

Every community in Canada has a multi-cultural background that contributes substantially to the social and cultural life of the general population. The extent of this ethnic contribution is an outgrowth of the health of that multi-cultural community and its constituent clubs. The advantage to the general population can be greatly affected when volunteer cultural organizations falter, apparently through a lack of membership support.This project involves a specific large ethnic membership-driven volunteer organization in an urban community in British Columbia, Canada. The projects purpose is to change the culture of the organization, help the organization to find its roots and re-establish itself as it was conceived. This requires bringing about an awareness of what the organization is doing, why they are doing it, who they are doing it for and how--given their significant organizational culture and the community context the group functions in. This process would also overcome the perception by the older membership that the organization is going to cease to exist because of its inability to generate enough income to support its activities and facilities.

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