Developing a strategy for community economic development: A case study of the Triple S environmental industry initiative

TitreDeveloping a strategy for community economic development: A case study of the Triple S environmental industry initiative
Type de publicationThesis
Nouvelles publications1998
AuteursGrande SS
Academic DepartmentPlanning
SupprimerMaster of City Planning M.C.P.
UniversityUniversity of Manitoba (Canada)
Clé de citation: Winnipeg, MB

This practicum examines a community economic development process undertaken by the Triple S region of Manitoba as an approach to addressing the economic issues facing rural Manitoba communities. The process undertaken centres on one of the fastest Canadian growth sectors the Environmental Industry.This practicum also examines current thinking in the field of community development and compares this summary with the experiences identified through the undertaking of the respective initiative. This is done to put forward in a framework which can be utilized by practitioners in the economic development field. The further development of community economic development can be accomplished through a better understating of existing practices and the development of new approaches and strategies. This practicum strives to achieve this goal.In addition, this practicum puts forward the new and emerging roles of community planners as agents of change in community development and the importance of community participation.This practicum has been developed through my personal involvement in this initiative as well as with a genuine interest in creating better and sustainable communities with fulfilling employment and business opportunities.

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