Creating spaces for dieticians to promote food security: Can we move beyond the charity model?

TitreCreating spaces for dieticians to promote food security: Can we move beyond the charity model?
Type de publicationThesis
Nouvelles publications1998
AuteursAlbert DR
AdvisorMiles A
Academic DepartmentAdult Education, Community Development and Counselling Psychology
SupprimerMaster of Arts M.A.
UniversityUniversity of Toronto (Canada)
Clé de citation: Toronto, ON

The dramatic rise in demand for charitable food assistance in Canada over the past twenty years indicates that a growing segment of society is experiencing some degree of food insecurity. In 1991, The Canadian Dietetic Association published its position that all Canadians have the right to food security and that dieticians have an important role to play. This paper looks at the question of how dieticians are promoting food security within the context of their professional role. A snowball sample was used to invite five dieticians, identified by their colleagues as actively addressing the issue of hunger in the community, to participate in a 90 minute in-depth interview describing their activities and the barriers and supports encountered in relation to their food security work. An analysis of the respondents experiences illuminates the factors within the context of the workplace and within the professional mandate of dieticians that block attempts to promote food security initiatives. The possibilities and the limitations of the role of dieticians in the promotion of domestic food security are discussed.

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