Community economic development and conflict management: A case study of three British Columbian communities

TitreCommunity economic development and conflict management: A case study of three British Columbian communities
Type de publicationThesis
Nouvelles publications2005
AuteursBrodhead F
AdvisorGregorian H
Academic DepartmentConflict Analysis and Management
SupprimerMaster of Arts M.A.
UniversityRoyal Roads University (Canada)
Clé de citation: Victoria, BC

This research is an exploration of the existence and potential for learning between the fields of community economic development (CED) and conflict analysis and management.Four years ago, three communities participated in a CED process, the Community Resilience Manual Project (CRM), to identify the strengths, weaknesses and overall resilience of their communities. In 2004, I returned to these communities to interview the original participants. My objective was to determine if the process they had gone through had also helped to identify conflicts in their community and led to efforts to manage such conflict.Those participants who thought that the CRM itself had not produced the hoped for development results nonetheless thought that if the process had been adjusted to be either truly inclusive or more appropriate to their specific communitys needs it would have been able to play a more effective role in the analysis and management of conflict.

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