Performance of cooperatives in northern Thailand: A case study of Sanpatong and HangDong cooperatives

TitlePerformance of cooperatives in northern Thailand: A case study of Sanpatong and HangDong cooperatives
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsWard JD
AdvisorTyrchniewics EW
Academic DepartmentAgricultural Economics
DegreeMaster of Science M.Sc.
Number of Pages153
UniversityUniversity of Alberta (Canada)
CityEdmonton, AB

The study was undertaken to evaluate the performance of cooperatives in Thailand from the farmers perspective. This was achieved by analyzing two multipurpose cooperatives in Northern Thailand, the Sanpatong and HangDong cooperatives. The study analyzed and compared the farmers assessments of the market agents, cooperatives and wholesalers, in the Sanpatong and HangDong districts, based on specific attributes or characteristics of these market agents.The results of the study indicated farmers find that cooperatives in Thailand had the potential to improve market performance. The Sanpatong and HangDong cooperatives had attained an accomplished reputation amongst the farmers in the Sanpatong and HangDong districts. These cooperatives offered improved input supply services, were an alternative agent to borrow from, more accessible source of market information, a market agent perceived as sincere and honest, and giving an option to farmers of getting dividends. However, the wholesalers from Sanpatong and HangDong districts provided several other worthwhile services to the farmers such as a convenient location to sell their agricultural produce.The study found that the farmers are perhaps best served by having the cooperatives and wholesalers competing in the same market for the farmers loyalty. The cooperatives perform the services in the interest of the farmer and the wholesalers improve efficiency or productivity in the market.

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