Know thyself: Anthropological praxis and Canadian mulitculturalism

TitleKnow thyself: Anthropological praxis and Canadian mulitculturalism
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsSpice KG
AdvisorMatthiasson J
Academic DepartmentAnthropology
DegreeMaster of Arts M.A.
Number of Pages182
UniversityUniversity of Manitoba (Canada)
CityWinnipeg, MB

This thesis provides an anthropological perspective of multiculturalism through an examination of multicultural terms and concepts, the political history of multiculturalism. and the implementation of a survey with a multicultural organization.This is done by building on Barths and later Eriksens concept son ethnicity, Goodenoughs position on the nature of culture and his ideas that multiculturalism is a normal human experience, and Greenbaums ideas on the realities and implications of what it means to live in a multicultural society. An analysis of the events that led to Canadas Multiculturalism policy and its subsequent development provides a diachronic understanding of the historical context and relationships between Canadian groups. Examination of the Report of the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism and other writings provide insight into the influences that have constructed multiculturalism and the relationships between Canadian groups. A microlevel study provides a complementary understanding of multiculturalism at the local level. A Delphi survey was designed and implemented with a local non-profit multicultural organization called the Manitoba Multicultural Resources Centre. The analysis of the goals and problems of the voluntary organization provides both qualitative and quantitative data for an insight into the organizational culture of a multicultural organization. An argument is made that Canadian institutions have been ineffective at establishing goals for multiculturalism and at resolving conflict among Canadian groups.An argument is made that anthropology can be developed as a discipline to address social issues through social policy. The literature on anthropology as a policy science and anthropological praxis is examined. Attempts are made to understand the current environment of values, politics, processes and concerns in which multiculturalism operates. The argument concludes that massive socio-political changes have led to a situation in which Canadians must come to terms with what it means to live in a plural society.

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