Intractable conflicts: What works? Organization development interventions in the nonprofit sector

TitleIntractable conflicts: What works? Organization development interventions in the nonprofit sector
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsEdmiston L
AdvisorLaiken M
Academic DepartmentSociology
DegreeMaster of Arts M.A.
Number of Pages157
UniversityUniversity of Toronto (Canada)
CityToronto, ON

This qualitative study explores the nature of seemingly intractable conflicts in the nonprofit sector. It identifies the elements of successful interventions and outlines strategies for dealing with conflict in these organizations. Seven leaders, organization development consultants and facilitators, were interviewed.The literature review indicates a gap between the wisdom of organization development (OD), and the special challenges presented by the nonprofit sector. These include the difficulties in balancing the vital contributions of those with lived experience, with the need for management and organizational skills.The study explores various OD interventions such as conflict resolution, Polarity Management, dialogue and process consultation. In addition, the findings contribute a variety of non-traditional interventions which seem to work for the unique challenges of the nonprofit sector. These include: consensus decision-making models, structured debate, methodological walks and study circles.

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