
Le 25 janvier 2007 - Les médias

Fondaction investit 4 millions de dollars dans Sherbrooke Vie Fondaction, le Fonds de développement de la CSN pour la coopération et l'emploi, investit 4 millions de dollars dans Sherbrooke Vie, compagnie d'assurance. Cette somme s'ajoute aux actifs de la société et à la participation financière de 200 000 $ de Filaction, le Fonds pour l'investissement local et l'approvisionnement des fonds communautaires.

January 24th, 2007 - News

Co-op ventures get a leg-up
Eighteen new projects - five biofuel and 13 value-added - are the latest to qualify for Technical Assistance funding under a new program that helps farmers and rural communities pursue biofuel and other value-added opportunities through co-operative ventures. To date, 25 groups have received more than a half-million dollars in funding under the Agricultural Co-operative Development Initiative (Ag-CDI).

Le 24 janvier 2007 - Les médias

Des initiatives coopératives obtiennent un coup de main Dix-huit nouveaux projets, dont cinq dans le domaine des biocarburants et treize dans celui de la valeur ajoutée, se sont mérité un financement pour l'aide technique dans le cadre d'un nouveau programme aidant les agriculteurs et les communautés rurales à saisir des occasions d'affaires dans les domaines des biocarburants et de la valeur ajoutée, par l'intermédiaire d'entr

Seeking goods and services for the CIRIEC Research Conference

RFPpicCSEHub is currently requesting proposals for goods and services that can be provided by Social Economy organizations for the First International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, which will take place October 22-25th, 2007 in Victoria, BC, Canada.

CIRIEC Research Conference Call for Papers: Deadline Extended to Feb. 7th

It’s not too late to submit an abstract for the First World CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy! Hosted by the Canadian Social Economy Hub, the conference will take place from October 22-25, 2007 in Victoria, BC, Canada.

Le 23 janvier 2007 - Les médias

Le gouvernement libéral souligne le bilan positif du Régime québécois d'assurance parentale La ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale, Mme Michelle Courchesne, accompagnée de la ministre de la Famille, des Aînés et de la Condition féminine, Mme Carole Théberge, et du président-directeur général du Conseil de gestion de l'assurance parentale (CGAP), M.

Southern Ontario Node launches E-zine

It is with great pleasure that the Social Economy Centre of the University of Toronto announces the launch of their first bi-yearly E-Zine, focusing on the work of the Southern Ontario Social Economy Node. In it, you will find updates on their projects, interesting resources, and much, much more. The E-Zine can be downloaded from the Social Economy Centre website.

January 17th, 2007 - News

Co-op sales continue at record level
For the second year in a row, Delmas Coop has had record sales, according to its latest financial statement. The member-owned cooperative, with branches in Masset and Skidegate, sold $11,816,038 worth of merchandise in the fiscal year ending last September 30, up $215,032 from the year before. Costs were up as well, to $8,804,016, from $8,658,693. Higher standby costs, staff costs and interest expense contributed to the higher costs.

Le 17 janvier 2007 - Les médias

Femmes et logement : Toutes les Montréalaises devraient pouvoir vivre sous un toit de qualité, sécuritaire et abordable Le Conseil des Montréalaises rend public aujourd'hui son avis Les femmes et le logement à Montréal et interpelle la Ville de Montréal avec ses 21 recommandations qui visent à améliorer l'accessibilité des femmes à un logement de qualité, sécuritaire et abordable.

January 16th, 2007 - News

Halton Region Issues Request for Proposals for Assisted Housing
Halton Region has issued a Request for Proposals for 120 units of assisted rental housing. Under the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation – Ontario New Affordable Housing Program Agreement, Halton Region has been allocated $8.4 million to provide capital assistance of up to $70,000 per unit for the development of these units. Halton Region will also provide grant assistance under the program.