
May 11th - 14th, 2007 - News

In search of a poverty strategy
Canada needs a game plan to tackle poverty, a Toronto forum heard last night. For too long, Ottawa and Queen's Park have been playing at the edges of poverty, instead of investing in affordable housing, child care and education, said former Ontario premier Bob Rae.

Le 14 mai, 2007 - Les médias

Recyc-Québec incitent à la participation Plusieurs incitatifs poussent à la réduction des matières résiduelles. Que ce soit pour les entreprises ou les organismes, plusieurs programmes existent afin d’aider à l’éducation et à la sensibilisation des citoyens.

May 10th, 2007 - News

Recycling program will turn fleece jackets into raw fibre
In a first among Canadian retailers, Mountain Equipment Co-op(TM) (MEC) has introduced a garment recycling program for polyester-based clothing into its stores. The program is another step in the outdoor retailer's commitment to sustainability. Under the program, consumers will be able to deposit such things as fleece jackets and pants that contain at least 90 per cent polyester content at one of MEC's eleven stores across Canada.

Le 10 mai, 2007 - Les médias

Une année d'exception pour la Coop de Sainte-Justine Pour une 3e fois au cours de ses soixante années d'existence, le magasin COOP de Sainte-Justine a enregistré une perte au terme de son dernier exercice financier. Cette perte s'établit à 191 193 $, comme ont pu le constater les quelque 200 personnes présentes, mardi soir dernier, à l'assemblée générale de leur coopérative.

May 9th, 2007 - News

Clement announces FedNor funding for region
Parry Sound-Muskoka MP and Minister for FedNor Tony Clement ducked out of Ottawa early last week to announce $434,219 in funding in support of 11 local initiatives on Friday. Clement made the announcement at Grace & Speed Muskoka Boat & Heritage Centre in Gravenhurst, following a lengthy introduction and bio that Clement himself said should be amended since it was longer than the funding announcement itself.

May 8th, 2007 - News

Business professor finds solutions for the poor: Her own expertise was shaped by life in the Peruvian culture
Ana Maria Peredo saw what others didn't when she spotted indigenous children begging together in a plaza in Peru in January. To her knowing eyes, these youngsters were out of place in the busy tourist centre of Cuzco, near the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu. "They didn't even speak Spanish. They were from the high mountains. They were so scared.

Le 8 mai, 2007 - Les médias

Bellechasse-Etchemins fait belle figure au gala des Pléiades Trois entreprises parmi les quinze honorées lors du Gala des Pléiades 2007, qui s'est tenu, le vendredi 4 mai, à l'aréna de Lévis, à l'initiative de la Chambre de commerce de l'endroit, proviennent de de Bellechasse-Etchemins, ce qui constitue un honneur digne de mention pour la région.

May 7th, 2007 - News

Literacy centre opens
Literacy advocates had a goal of having a literacy centre in the community. The chance to make that a reality came sooner than they expected and the Literacy and Youth Centre run by the Literacy and Youth Initiatives Society of the North Okanagan opened April 30.

Laying the Foundation for Mutuals in Canada - CSEHub Occasional Paper 01

CSEHub Occasional Paper Number 01 - May 2007
Laying the Foundation for Mutuals in Canada
By Ron Dueck

In this inaugural publication of our Occasional Papers series, Ron Dueck explores the history and current status of mutuals in the Canadian context.

Le 3 mai, 2007 - Les médias

Vers un 4e Sommet citoyen de Montréal - Aménagement, développement et démocratie participative : Le droit à la ville ! Le 4e Sommet citoyen de Montréal Aménagement, développement et démocratie participative : le droit à la ville ! se tiendra à l'UQAM les 1er, 2 et 3 juin prochains.