
April 2, 2009 - News

The Coming Co-op Crunch

March 19, 2009 – News

UVic students to cycle 3,000 km
Many students include cycling as a part of their summer activities, but two UVic students are taking summer bike rides to a much higher level. First-year writing student Cody Gold and third-year history student Sarah Curry will be embarking on a month-and-a-half-long bike ride to Tijuana, Mexico from Vancouver (3,000 kilometers total) on May 31.

Podcast of Telelearning Session 13 now available!

Thank you to all who participated in our most recent telelearning session, especially to our moderator, Seth Asimakos, and featured speakers Susan Henry and Anahi Rivadeneira for their presentations!

For more information, please click below:


March 10, 2009

Social spending will stimulate economy: CCPA
British Columbia's poor and middle-class families are getting poorer, a fact that does not consider the effects of the recent economic downturn.

A study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives shows that when factoring in inflation, the bottom 70 per cent of B.C.

British Columbia Teachers Federation (BCTF): “A Union of Professionals”

The Canadian Social Economy Hub was asked by CIRIEC to undertake a study of the involvement of teachers in solidarity-based social protection systems. The purpose of the study was to identify mutual cases or experiences initiated by and for teachers.

Podcast of Telelearning Session 12 now available!

Thank you to all who participated in our most recent telelearning session, especially to our featured speakers Julie Drolet and Nanci Lee for their presentations!

For more information, please click below:


Social Economy Stories: Perspectives from Practitioners and Acteurs

The Social Economy Stories Project

The blending of social and economic objectives is taking root across the world as the best means to replace dependency and exclusion with self-determination and self-sufficiency.

The Social Economy stories are designed to provide practitioners' perspectives on what the Social Economy means to them and their communities.

The legal structure of social enterprise in Canada

Now available from the BC Centre for Social Enterprise: Legislative Innovations and Social Enterprise: Structural Lessons for Canada, a paper outlining the potential for a "Made in Canada" legal form for social enterprise, inspired by the UK and US structures, and informed by gaps in the Canadian legal landscape.


CSERP at the World Social Forum

January 27 to February 1, 2009 - CSEHub co-director Rupert Downing journeyed to the Brazilian city of Belém to take part in the ninth World Social Forum, a conference that promotes alternative answers to world economic problems.
